Corpus-Based Analysis of the Most Frequent Adjective on Covid-19

  • Idda Astia Airlangga University
  • Sofi Yunianti University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya
Keywords: Adjective, corpus, COVID-19


This study aims to investigate the type of adjectives in the most frequent adjectives and also the use of the adjective functions on academic writing about COVID-19. This study was conducted by using a corpus tool named sketchengine. The method of this study was a mixed-method by combining quantitative and qualitative approaches. The source of the data was corpus about COVID-19 academic writing due to the fact that COVID-19 has been the trending topic around the globe and also became an international concern. There were several data collection steps; those were first, knowing the most frequent adjective in the COVID-19 corpus by choosing a wordlist. Second, the data were taken 20 the most frequent adjectives used in COVID-19 corpus because 20 data have already represented the most frequent adjectives. Third, it chose the concordance to comprehend the function of the adjective in the COVID-19 corpus. Fourth, 20 the most frequent adjectives were inputted one at a time on concordance. Fifth, the data were analyzed based on the related theory. Finally, it is inferred that the adjective type on the most frequent adjective is a describing adjective, which has the function to frame the condition, situation and characteristic of the noun on the COVID-19 cases.


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How to Cite
Astia, I., & Yunianti, S. (2020). Corpus-Based Analysis of the Most Frequent Adjective on Covid-19. Indonesian Journal of EFL and Linguistics, 5(2), 505-515.