Teaching English Speaking through Discourse in the State Islamic Universities in Borneo
Introducing accurate discourses and understanding the discourses that students encounter in their daily lives is crucial for enhancing the teaching of spoken English language. To enhance students' linguistic proficiency, the method of teaching speaking through discourse involves immersing them in authentic dialogues and diverse communication scenarios. This is a descriptive qualitative research, employing a case study approach. The participants of the research are the teachers and students of the State Islamic University of Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda and the State Islamic University of Antasari Banjarmasin. To collect data for the study, the researcher used a variety of research instruments, such as interviews, field notes, and questionnaires. This study's data analysis method adheres to the principles of qualitative research. The interactive model was used for the data analysis, which included stages for data collecting, data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing. Research findings indicate that students have a preference for teachers who not only teach English language curriculum but also demonstrate how to achieve a successful future. For English teachers, it is important to teach students not only English-speaking materials but also proper behaviour and politeness. In terms of English language proficiency, students highlight that speaking is the primary skill in acquiring English since it demonstrates their mastery of the language.
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